It's that time again! The November books for the Kate Daniels readalong mainly focuses on Magic Slays. The readalong is hosted by Stef, Heather and Megan. Magic Slays is the 5th book in the series by Ilona Andrews. I was able to use this for the prompt grey on the cover for the Fall in Love board 2.
We pick back up with Kate and her new freelance business Cutting Edge. One of leaders in the Red Guard shows up and hires Kate to figure out how and where the scientist they were protecting was kidnapped too. Also, there's a special project that he's working on that also needs to be recovered. As Kate gets her first real case, not all is as it seems.
Now, that Kate and Curran are officially mated, there's not quite the tension between them that we've seen in the previous books. I did enjoy the scenes we got of them together, but I did want more of Curran. I also loved that they kept checking in with each other and making sure things were okay no matter what issues they were currently having. We also get to learn more about Kate's mother and that she was magical as well. It wasn't dealt with too much here and I did wish it was addressed a little more. I'm sure we'll see Kate training and working with the witches in the future books, but I did want more here.
Where this book felt short for me was that it was a little too much on the nose dealing with social issues. It just was a little too obvious for my tastes. I still really enjoyed the world and everything. I also wanted a good fight scene as well. While there was a big battle and it was nice that we didn't end with Kate and/or Curran almost dying, I did want to see more of Kate as a badass. The books up until here have really focused on Kate getting more powerful and learning more about her powers and how to wield them. It kind of fits in with what I was saying before, but I just wanted more advancement. We do see Kate do that crazy magic saving Julie's life and there was a secret voice. That's really intriguing to find out who it is. I kind of think it might be Roland, but I can see it being someone else as well.
I really enjoyed reading this book and can't wait to see what happens next. While it wasn't my favorite so far, I still really enjoyed getting back into the world. At first I was worried about stopping myself from bingeing the series too quickly, I'm finding that spacing them out with other reads in between is really benefiting my enjoyment. Plus it helps that there so many novellas and extras that add to the world that are from other POVs as well. If you enjoy Urban Fantasy, certainly check out this series!
Have you read Magic Slays?
Bookishly Yours,
STATISTICS: Magic Slays, Ilona Andrews, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 308 pages, published in 2011
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