First off, this cover is absolutely amazing, but it is also very Buffy the Vampire Slayer inspired. In case you didn't know, BtVS was my favorite show growing up and is still one of my top faves. Anyways, this gorgeous cover is for Magic Tests by Ilona Andrews. This is considered 5.3 in the Kate Daniels series. I read this as apart of the readalong hosted by Stef, Heather and Megan. It was originally published in the anthology An Apple for the Creature, which is how I read it.
For this novella we are in Julie's POV! Julie has been tasked by Kate to choose a new school to go to. When she picks one out, Kate accompanies her to the chosen school. When they arrive, Julie is treated as an agent of Kate's business and tasked to find a missing student.
Small summary, but there was quite a big packed in this short story. I loved getting Julie's POV and seeing how she thought of Kate. I know that the spin-off focuses on Julie so it's cool that we'll not only get to see her grow up, but also see her POV change over time. We also got another dragon! I hope we get to see more of them in the series. I also loved how even though Julie felt it was trick to get her to feel okay with going to this school, she still couldn't stop herself from wanting to go there. Not only because she's making friends, but to protect them.
I don't want to go too much into it since this is so short, but I loved seeing the Kate Daniels universe from Julie's eyes. She's been through a lot and it was interesting to see how children are adapting to the world. I thought it was really interesting that this school is also focused on those with magical abilities. Which was another cool thing to see was how Julie's magic sight works. I hope she gets more POV novellas in this series so we can see more of her magic and how it'll evolve. If you are reading the series as well and haven't tried any of the novellas, I really recommend them. They broaden the world so much more than I expected.
Have you read Magic Tests?
Bookishly Yours,
STATISTICS: Magic Tests, Ilona Andrews, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 40 pages, published in 2012
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