Here are at another book tag! This time I recently saw a new one that Jen at The Book Refuge did called the Moody Reader Tag. Check out her video if you haven't seen it yet. I definitely wrote down the questions and thought it'd be a fun option for the blog! Here we go...
1. Do you consider yourself a moody reader?
100%. If you've been following me for a while, you would know that I try to have a lot of options and don't really stick to a tbr outside of a couple books I try to read for book clubs. Even then, there's really only two that I do every month. All my other book clubs I go based on if I want to read that book or end up with time as we get closer to the meeting.
2. Do you set tbrs and stick to them?
Not really. When I post a tbr I do it more like an optioned list and will usually pull from those options, but it's definitely not set in stone. If there's a group book or buddy read planned, I'll usually try to at least get to that one.
3. Do books effect you emotionally? And does the emotion/mood rub off on you?
I am a very emotional reader. I cry so easily normally, and when I read it's no different. I'll tear up for happy and sad. I also have that issue with movies. A lot of the time after I watch a new movie or read a new book series I'll have dreams where I'm in that world or in similar situations. That's a big reason why I don't watch horror. Heck I've gotten nightmares just from trailers that are approved for all ages that play during commercials.
4. When you are feeling sad, what do you read or not read?
I try to go for rom-coms or books that I know will be feel good. I try to avoid angsty books normally since I am so easily affected, but a lot of the times if I'm really down I'll either reread or not read at all. I'll find myself watching movies or tv shows and just trying to not get stuck in a spiral.
5. Most often do you use reading to escape, learn or critically reflect?
Escape. 99.9%. There are a times I'll read a book if I'm picking up a new hobby or want to learn something (like Victorian Flower Languages).
6. What is a book that made you laugh out loud?
Most recently, what sticks out is Single Dad Seeks Juliet by Max Monroe. I was in a funk and this was so surprisingly funny and just completely shifted my mood. It really brought be out of a reading slump and I immediately bought a paperback. I only read it last month, but I already want to reread it. It'll definitely be going into my few books that I like to reread. Although like with crying, I'm fairly easy to make laugh (except for stoner humor, I just don't think it's funny).
7. What is a book that made you cry?
Well, as I mentioned above a lot of books I read will make me tear up. I mean Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips was the first time I was actually triggered and that book had me crying and completely stressing out. Although that wasn't actually because of the book but a weird book and real-life spiral. For a book that made me cry just because of the book, the most recent that I can remember is How to Propose to a Prince by Kathryn Caskie.
8. What is a book that you didn't even know what to feel?
Umm... I would have to say Blindsided by Amy Daws. I was expecting a lot of humor and it just felt like all of the emotions it was trying to hit were all just a little bit short. That's the only one I can think of.
9. Are you most likely to read on a Sunday or a cloudy day?
Both. I love cloudy days and it's very rare that I go more than a day without reading. Although let's not talk about this month (it took me 8 days to even pick up a book).
10. Do you usually set the mood when you read? Music, lights, candles?
I used to want silence, but then about a year ago I started listening to either classical music or ambience/meditation music. However, in the last couple months I started pairing my ambience with my reads. I saw Melissa (from Library and Labradors) post on her instagram about a Harry Potter room ambience that she was listening to while reading. Of course I looked it up and now will either leave it on the classical channel on my tv or pull up a specific video on youtube. My favorites lately are Victorian Ball for historicals, Cozy Terrace for general rain sounds, Space Station for sci-fi and Farm for the cowboy contemporaries I read. I do go more towards the ambience noise over music when I switch to youtube. It changes based on what I'm reading and my mood.
11. Can you leap from book to book or do you need a break?
It depends on the series. I usually read a lot and will pick up book after book. I tend to binge series or binge a few books from a series at a time, but it really depends. There are some authors that tend to rehash things a lot or have the several books about the same event from different character's perspectives. I've found that to not get burned out or lessen my enjoyment I usually need a few books and some time between those.
12. Tag some people.
If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged! If you do the tag, let me know and I'll check it out!
I really enjoyed doing another book tag and hope you've learned more about me and my moody reading. I really enjoy doing this and read so much last month I didn't really have a chance to fit one into my schedule. If you do the tag or have any other's that you'd like me to do, let me know!
Are you a moody reader as well?
Bookishly Yours,
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