Saturday, September 18, 2021

Curran POV by Gordon Andrews - Part 1


I am participating in the Kate Daniels readalong hosted by Heather, Stef and Megan. Kate Daniels is a series written by husband and wife duo Ilona Andrews. For some of their books they've posted short stories and other POVs on their website. Curran, a main character from Kate Daniels, has several POVs that are written by Gordon. The first 9 were bound together in a collection and is free on their website! I'm goin to leave the rating open for now until I get through all of the scenes. Since the books for this month are only the first two and the prequel novella, I'm only reading the first three for now. Also, I'll be applying this to the Fall in Love reading challenge, but wait until I've read all shorts in the bind up before allocating it to a prompt. I'll also wait until then to do my statistics, but I'll add my reading time to it (a whole 20 minutes). Update: I've read the rest of the collection and have given the bind up 4-stars.

The first short is titled Unicorn Lane and corresponds to book 1, Magic Bites. This scene is when Curran and Kate first meet at the dilapidated building on Unicorn Lane. It's a neutral area and also a criminal cesspool. It was really fun getting to see his initial thoughts and impression on Kate. Even more so knowing how much he learns about her later. I also loved how he played with her and we got to see it wasn't quite as sinister as Kate thought it was.

The second short is Fernando's and also goes with Magic Bites. This is when they bump into each other at the restaurant Fernando's on separate dates. It was even more fun to see how he kept watching her and felt that her date wasn't worth being with her. Knowing that they become a couple in the future it was really nice seeing Curran's pov before the romance really kicks in. It helped show how much care and interest he had in her from the start. Also, I loved how he mentioned stealing her away from the fancy restaurant and going for burgers. The romance reader in me wanted an alternate universe where that happens. I'm sure there are books out there where it happens for real. I also liked seeing a bit more of Myong and what her relationship with Curran was really like.

The third short is Soup. It's the final short for this review and corresponds with book 2, Magic Burns. Oh this scene. It was so swoony and touching and yet funny. I loved seeing Curran's prep before he brings her chicken soup after getting rescued once again. Later in Magic Burns it's alluded that it meant more than Kate realizes. Having read a lot of shifter books I got the hints of what was happening, but it was nice to get that confirmation from Curran himself.

I really enjoyed chatting with everyone last night and can't wait to get to the next couple books! I really enjoyed reading Curran's shorts and it did more for the books than I expected. It was such a nice touch. Next month the plan is to read books 3, 3.5, 4 and 4.5. The Curran POVs that correspond are 4-9, which is the remaining of this bind up. If you are interested in joining the readalong, I highly encourage you to do so! I'm really enjoying the series so far and am happy to finally have the excuse to read it!

Have you read any of Curran's POVs?

Bookishly Yours,


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