After being triggered during Kiss An Angel, I needed something feel good to reset my brain. I knew I had a couple of book club reads to get to, but nothing seemed to really hit what I needed. I recently suggested The Ultimate Pi Day Party by Jackie Lau to an instagram friend and saw she read it recently. I talked about her Baldwin Village a few times earlier this year as it being my favorite of Jackie's series and have been wanting to do a reread. Now was the time. The Ultimate Pi Day Party is book one in the series. Update: I applied this to the prompt of diverse author for the 3rd board of Summer of Swoon.
Josh is a CEO of a local company that deals with app creation. When walking down Baldwin Street one day looking for somewhere to eat, he comes across Happy as Pie bakery. They make both sweet and savory pies and he decides to partake. He meets the owner Sarah and there's an immediate connection. Josh has had issues with his father and they haven't talked in about 17 years. Josh decides to host the ultimate pi day party for his company and invite his parents. Hopefully his father can't resist being that he's a retired math teacher. Of course he hires Sarah to cater.
I loved this book even more on the reread. The first time I read it I gave it 4-stars, but this time I just had to give it 5-stars. It's a little over two years since I read it and forgot about a couple of the things that happened. I absolutely loved the feel-good and low angst feelings that Jackie Lau has in her books. The connection that Sarah and Josh has is so sweet. I love that they both constantly think of each other and their banter is so cute. I also love how they both rib each other when they get flustered and turn their misspeaks into jokes.
One thing that I love about Jackie's books is they don't always end with a proposal or getting married. A lot of them are more they start seriously dating and are in love or they move in together. It feels so much more realistic, but I also don't feel like I'm cheated out of an hea. It's just so well written in that aspect. Another thing that she's really good at doing is keeping consent at the focal point. Especially since I binged all three in the series last weekend, it stood out even more how many times the hero checks in with the heroine when getting intimate. As always, Jackie also provides great food porn and makes you so hungry. I've had like pot pies before, but not other type of savory pies. It really made me want to look at some recipes as we move into colder weather.
I feel like I could ramble on about how much I love this book, but seriously, if you are in the mood for a low angst, sweet, steamy, feel-good contemporary I couldn't recommend Jackie Lau, and more specifically The Ultimate Pi Day Party more. She's one of my favorite contemporary authors and she's one that I always try to stay up on. Please, please, please check her out!
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Bookishly Yours,
STASTICS: The Ultimate Pi Day Party, Jackie Lau, 5-stars, 0 days, eBook, 238 pages, published in 2019
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