Sunday, February 28, 2021

Fluff by Jenika Snow


So Sunday night, despite being in the middle of a book for FaRoFeb, I was in the mood for something light and quick and sickly sweet. After syncing my kindle earlier in the day, I decided to try Jenika Snow for the first time. Fluff is a standalone with the friends to lovers trope. 

Once again, I am enamored with this cover. Granted the scenery doesn't quite fit with most of the book, it's still super pretty. This is about Daphne and Alfie, two friends that have pretty much been in love with each other for years. They both had held their feelings from each other, afraid to lose their long-standing friendship. I really enjoyed the chemistry between them and wish there was just a little bit more. While I know the point of these is to be a quicker read, it felt like we jumped in a few chapters in. Also, the attempted assault on Daphne was the incident that finally caused them to both admit their feelings. Well, I guess Alfie tried to tell her earlier while they were watching a movie, but she was asleep and didn't hear him. I didn't like the way it was forced. I almost wish it was that she had heard him, but still pretended to sleep. Or heard him in her sleep and brought it up later. I don't know, the assault situation just felt forced.

When they finally confessed their feelings, things got pretty steamy and I really enjoyed the way Jenika wrote the more intimate scenes. It really showed the love and other emotions behind their coupling. It was also cute that they were both virgins and hadn't even kissed anyone else since they'd been in love with each other for so long. That's were I felt it was a little too neat of bow, especially since he moved away for a job for a year or something. I just feel like with college and being separated for a while, there would've been a chance (even if they were drunk or something) to at least have kissed someone else. But of the things that seemed unbelievable to me, I don't know why I'm focusing on that. 

Like I said before, this was a cute, quick and pretty steamy read. Although, I didn't need the three two-page epilogues. Too much and too quick. I feel like it could've been one with more extrapolations instead of three different time jumps. I'll definitely be reading more of Jenika, especially when looking for another sweet one-night read to give me the "warm fuzzies."

Have you read Fluff?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Fluff, Jenika Snow, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 152 pages, published 2020

Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Wilderness of Glass by Grace Draven


The last story I had in Grace Draven's Wraith King series was A Wilderness of Glass. This is novella set in the same world, but back in the village that we were introduced to in The Night Tide. There isn't an official number I've seen for this, but it was published before The Ippos King in the Anthology Seasons of Sorcery.

I read this as a stand-alone, although I'd love to have a physical copy of all of this series. Before I get too much into my review, can I first say that I absolutely love these covers. The artwork is so gorgeous. So I knew going in we'd have a difference species (race?), but I was pleasantly surprised it was a merman and human woman romance. I think I've read mermaid romance before, but one of the couple is always able to transform. Here they aren't (although we are introduced to the idea that magic can turn either of them), and I weirdly enjoyed it. I also found it very intriguing that Ahtin had more of a dolphin style tail and that he was more physically compatible with Brida than expected.

I have read alien romances before, but this felt different. A lot of the alien romances I've read still had the "alien" species at least mostly humanoid. This was not and maybe more similar to monster romance? I'm not sure, haven't tried any of those yet, although I have added some recently to my tbr. But back to A Wilderness of Glass. We didn't get any glimpses of the Wraith King Andras except in the beginning, but no mention was made of his hand. This makes me think that this story occurred before Eidolon. I'm very intrigued in how the ocean/water magic and events are going to factor in to the overall story. Brida and Ahtin's romance was so sweet and I loved the connection they formed when she found him and his niece stranded on the beach. I really can't wait to read more from Grace Draven, especially in the Wraith King series. It seems like the magic in the world is getting more complex and we learn more with each entry. I can't wait to read more! Maybe I'll dive into her Master of Crows series next, especially with it being in the same world.

Have you read A Wilderness of Glass?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: A Wilderness of Glass, Grace Draven, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 121 pages, published 2019

Friday, February 26, 2021

The Ippos King by Grace Draven



The third full novel in Grace Draven's Wraith Kings series is The Ippos King. I continued on in this world after catching up on on a book club book and the Lunar New Year Readathon. I have to say, I loved getting to this series for FaRoFeb.

This was another great entry into the Wraith Kings series. I loved that this was a road trip romance. I was wondering if it would focus on the romance like in Radiance, or have a new "big bad." It was kind of neither. While the romance definitely is a major component of the book, it wasn't quite as centrally focused. We do see Serovek and Anhuset in forced proximity, but I love that it was Ahuset that put herself in that position. I loved how fairly quickly Anhuset stopped fighting and pushing back as much almost right away. 

The reason this was a 4-star instead of a 5 was that it felt a little too long. There were too many twists and turns in the plot. It was nice to see how things are progressing with Megiddo and I just know things are leading up to rescuing him. Although I'm sure he's going to have severe PTSD and maybe other mental issues after being tortured in the galla dimension all this time. Despite the various issues that occurred on the trip, I still had fun. I just though there were too many things, especially since a good chunk of them were wrapped up in this book as well. I almost wish that they were spread between the other books, or just not dealt with directly.

I am definitely continuing in the series and can't wait for the next book, whenever it is. According to the end of The Ippos King, the next book is The Nomas King. We also did get a cameo of the Wraith King from the nomadic/barbarian clans. I'm not sure if it'll focus on him or one of the others. I'm guessing that the last book will deal with Megiddo, or that he's the last solo book (since I can see a final battle book as a finale depending on how the world continues to evolve). 

One more thing I'd like to mention is the nicknames Grace Draven's characters give each other. I absolutely love that Serovek calls Ahuset his "firefly woman." It just gives me all of the feels. (As a side note, I don't think I mentioned it in either of the previous reviews, but Ildiko and Brishen call each other "Woman of Day" and "Prince of Night.") I'm super excited to get to the last novella set in this world and get completely caught up!

Have you read The Ippos King?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: The Ippos King, Grace Draven, 4-stars, 3 days, eBook, 437 pages, published 2020

Thursday, February 25, 2021

In the Darkest Midnight by Grace Draven


After finishing up the Lunar New Year Readathon hosted by LaceyBookLovers and remarkablylisa and the book for the Historical Hellions Book Club, I jumped back into FaRoFeb and Grace Draven's Wraith Kings series. The next book I had was the novella numbered 2.5, In the Darkest Midnight.

This starts in the past and made several time jumps in the series. We start out with our heroine Jahna 15 years young hiding from some mean girls at the winter celebration of Delyalda. Jahna has a large birthmark that covers half her face down into her neck and gets a lot of snide remarks and looks from most everyone she meets. After Radimar chases away the three girls, he speaks to Jahna to come from her hiding spot. I love how he barely reacts to her face and Jahna is very intrigued by the swordmaster. Her father has hired him to train her brother and they are meeting for the first time at the celebration. At the same time Jahna is getting set up to be a chronicler for the king, a sort of record keeping of history. 

They are so cute together and I love that he has no qualms about Jahna taking records of his teaching style and customs from Ilfindan. He has her take the lessons in the morning with her brother and they both grow to become great friends. There is an age gap, but it's only 7 years and once they've grown up, it doesn't feel so large. This book is definitely slow burn, but I didn't mind since we started with Jahna so young. The first jump is to the first Delyalda celebration where her borther is to be apart of the fighting exhibitions. During the preparations, Radimar gets challenged by the king's champion. Before the bout he says some very unsavory things about Jahna. They have all become close and both Radimar and her brother Sodrid have to fight to keep their anger in check. Then we have another time jump to a couple years later. Jahna is not ready to become an apprentice to the chroniclers and her brother a member of the king's guard. There are some tensioned filled moments between Jahna and Radimar culminating in a scorching kiss.

The final time jump is 8 years later. Radimar had run away after the kiss, returning (slightly) earlier than planned to return to his homeland. Sodrid is now to be married and Jahna is a competant chronciler. She does meet with Lord Sangion to get his story about fighting the galla and it was fun to see how this novella will fit into the world. Jahna and Radimar are FINALLY reunited and they can't help but act on their attractions. They are going to get married and Jahna will join Radimar in his nomadic lifestyle, sending back her chronicles to the archives. It was so sweet and I loved getting into more of this world. I'm hoping we'll see Jahna and Radimar, even just in passing, in future books. I loved the slow burn and it felt perfect for the who they were both as individuals and as a couple.

I have one more book, The Ippos King (book 3) and one more novella. Then I'm all caught up! I hope the next book comes soon. I just absolutely love this world Grace Draven's concocted and am ravenous for more. I do believe that her Master of Crows is set in the same world, so maybe that'll be my next read? We'll see. The only thing more I want from this book is time with them as a couple after they've come back together. It was just too short once they decided to get married. I would've even loved an epilogue or something!

Have you read In the Darkest Midnight?

Bookishly Yours, 


STATISTICS: In the Darkest Midnight, Grace Draven, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 121 pages, published 2018

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Love Only Once by Johanna Lindsey


The February book for the Historical Hellions Book Club is Johanna Lindsey's Love Only Once. It is the first book in her massive (12 books) and popular series, the Malory-Anderson Families. I have read a few of Johanna's stand-a-lones back in high school, but don't really remember much outside of her name. This was before I starting using goodreads or tracking my reads, so I'm sure I'll find them again at some point and remember them as I read.

This book focuses on Regina, the niece to the four main brothers of the Malory family. She is accidentally kidnapped by Nicholas who thinks it was his ex-mistress that he was keeping from the ball she had been talking about for months. So the first couple chapters were a little too much info-dump and I wish we would've met the cousins and uncles and everybody a little more naturally. I had to reread a couple pages because I was getting the uncles confused and their brief story lines. Once we got past that though, I loved how they met. Once Nicholas realizes it's not his ex-mistress, he returns to his house expecting a lady having fits. Instead, he gets Regina who is just excited to have another adventure, especially since she hasn't had one since she met her majority. I loved how amused Regina was and so fed up with being on the marriage mart. All of the gentleman she thought she loved or could even stand marrying aren't approved by all three of her uncles (the fourth is exiled at the moment). 

Her uncles cracked me up and I loved the banter between the brothers. I also loved the banter between Regina and Nicholas. Where this dropped down from 5-stars for me is when he abandons her at his estate with the horrid dowager-countess. I did understand that she had her own issues, but I also feel like if she wanted a kid bad enough, she would've been able to love Nicholas a little, even just as her nephew. This is the crux of the issues between then, Nicholas is a bastard. He doesn't want it to get out. He also thinks that Regina will revile him once she finds out, which will break his heart. All this despite her loving relationships with some of her cousins whom are bastards as well. Instead he dumps her (on their wedding night) at his estate and leaves the country. 

I didn't like that Regina didn't share she was pregnant, but I understood her reasoning. I feel like she should've said something before the baby was born, especially when he didn't come back a couple months later. Granted they didn't know where he was, but I'm sure they could've found him earlier. I also wish he didn't become a slave owner during that time away. It was such a small portion of the book, that it just didn't need to be there.

I also didn't like that Regina didn't realize Nicholas had issues with being a bastard. I know she had cousins that were, but I feel like she would still know society's views on being such and how that can affect someone. I just wanted them to talk it out and stop dancing around each other. I'll most likely continue the series, but it's not at the top of my tbr. Plus it's fun (sometimes) to read older romances. The start of this book was really what shined. I wish it had stayed more along that vein throughout the book.

Have you read Love Only Once?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Love Only Once, Johanna Lindsey, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 344 pages, published 1985

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A Big Surprise for Valentine's Day by Jackie Lau



The fourth and final book I read for the  Lunar New Year Readathon hosted by LaceyBookLovers and remarkablylisa was the fourth and final book in Jackie Lau's Holidays with the Wongs series. I read A Big Surprise for Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day. I did a brief overview of the series in my review of book 3

The last book focuses on the only daughter of the Wong family, Amber. She runs into her brother's friend from childhood, although their families on both sides were friends. Sebastian had moved away for university and his residency (he's a doctor). Now he's back and living in the next town over (the same as Amber) and they run into each other in the family planning section at the grocery store. I love how instant the chemistry is between them and that they both almost enjoy the forbidden feeling between them since they knew each other as kids. We also get an outrageous "girls day" scene with Amber, her mom and grandmother that had me dying of laughter. Ah Ma get completely drunk off of a pina colada and it's just great fun. Plus Amber and Sebastian are so well suited in the bedroom. Oh, and how can I forget to mention that Amber is a crafter! She crochets and makes funny cross-stitches. She loves making and people always tell her to sell things, but she doesn't want to make her hobby her job in that way. Be still my beating heart.

I didn't mention this in my previous review, but another thing I love about Jackie Lau is the way the "conflicts" are between the couple. Everyone always seems so emotionally mature and wants to talk things out. If they run from a situation, it doesn't last long. It's so low angst and just something that makes me happy reading and gives me all of the feels. If I could move to a fictional world by any contemporary author, it would hands down be Jackie Lau. This was such a cute wrap up to the end of the series and I'm sure we'll see them mentioned or in the background of her other books. She does Easter Eggs for her other couples so brilliantly! I was excited to see that she released a compendium of all four books in print and this is at the top of my wish-list!

Have you read A Big Surprise for Valentine's Day?

Bookishly Yours, 


STATISTICS: A Big Surprise for Valentine's Day, Jackie Lau, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 116 pages, published 2020

Monday, February 22, 2021

A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year by Jackie Lau



The third book I read for the Lunar New Year Readathon hosted by LaceyBookLovers and remarkablylisa was book 3 in Jackie Lau's Holidays with the Wongs series, A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year. Before we get into too much of the review, this series is the 4 siblings of the Wong family and all of the books are based around the end/beginning of year holidays. They are shorter novella length, but Jackie Lau still manages to pack a good amount of quality content into these. She's one of my favorite contemporary writers. How can you go wrong with great humor, lots of foodie scenes, hockey galore (she and her books are set in Canada), great chemistry between the couples and the sense of family that Jackie creates. 

This book focuses on the youngest son Zach and his good friend Jo. Zach and Jo both are back in their small hometown. They have connected after both suffering through broken engagements. They meet every Friday for drinks and hang out periodically. After book 1 and the disastrous (was it really?) dinner where their parents and grandparents tried setting up all the kids; Zach forms a plan. To avoid a similar situation with Chinese New Year, Zach asks Jo of pose as his girlfriend for the dinner. Smartly, they decide to go on a couple of dates beforehand since it's a small town and news travels fast.

Oh how I love the fake relationship trope, especially when paired with friends to lovers. Zach and Jo had so much chemistry. I also loved the after dinner Pictionary. Another thing I loved (which I mentioned during my review of Radiance), is that he kept finding little ways to touch her. Taking her hand, sitting close enough to brush against her and things like that. I absolutely cave for it. Plus we get a bit of amateur hockey as they both play for the town's team. Honestly, what more does this book need to be complete catnip for me? I know! crafting and/or crocheting. Guess what though, Jackie Lau has other characters that are crafty and crochet, including Zach's sister Amber (who is book 4). 

I'm so happy I finally picked up A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year. It was just what I needed after reading Steele Your Soul to keep me out of a book slump. I think once I get through February, I'll start her Cider Bar Sisters series (the only ones I haven't read from her yet). If you haven't read Jackie Lau, I couldn't recommend her enough. One of my favorites is The Ultimate Pi Day Party!

Have you read A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year, Jackie Lau, 5-stars, 0 days, eBook, 104 pages, published 2020

Friday, February 19, 2021

Steele Your Soul by Decadent Kane


The second book I read for the Lunar New Year Readathon (hosted by LaceyBookLovers and remarkablylisa) was Steele Your Soul by Decadent Kane. This is book 3 in her Trouble with Elves series. After my huge tbr for the readathon with all my options, I ended up picking something not on my radar for either. I did want to read something that would also work for FaRoFeb. After scrolling and going through my kindle, goodreads and my tbr, I finally settled on this. I have not read the first two books in this series, which is rare for me. Usually I read things in order. 

I'm not sure if starting with this book meant I missed something? Maybe a little bit of world-building? I don't know if I'll go back to read the first book at this point. Okay, so this book is definitely more novella or even short story length. At first we see Elven pirate Joren Steele. He looks off of his boat and meets eyes with Pepper. She has just left a meeting with a drow (evil elf) woman that has sold her some special spice. In her mind, she mentions something about him possibly being fated mates since she feels a pull of attraction to him she's never felt before. 

Something happens and she ends up on his boat. Then the drow working with Joren tries to steal her and rape her. While this is happening Joren runs into his "lady" at this dock and they get intimate in an alley. First of all, I know that they just met, but to immediately have Jorean sleep with someone else I didn't like. Then after the whole thing with Tide, he takes this other woman to his ship and they hang out all night. We see Joren sleeping with this other woman MORE than the entire relationship of him and Pepper. Not cool. Then she's kidnapped, blahdy-blahdy-blah and he ends up saving her at the cost of his ship. Then they have "thank god we're alive sex" in a cave before the drown king magically floats them to him. Then it was the end. 

This is two-stars because I was intrigued by the world and dynamic of normal elves vs drow. It seems that they get some sort of disease that causes them to lose(?) their soul and all elves has this disease inside them. It's just when it gets activated, if it does. I just wish that it either went full fated mates or just strait insta-lust erotica. I didn't like, as mentioned above, we saw more sexy times with another woman that wasn't our heroine. As as soon as they kind of got together, end of book. I would love to see an extended version of this book. I definitely would love more Elf fantasy romances, especially dealing with the drow element. Makes my table-top gamer heart happy.

Have you read Steele Your Soul?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Steele Your Soul, Decadent Kane, 2-stars, 0 days, eBook, 59 pages, published 2014

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Duchess War by Courtney Milan



The first book I read for the Lunar New Year Readathon (hosted by LaceyBookLovers and remarkablylisa) as well for Seasonally Booked Up Book Club - Winter of the Wallflower (hosted by Kelly and Dana) was Courtney Milan's The Duchess War. Courtney has been on my tbr forever, and I was excited to finally get to the first book in her Bothers Sinister series.

I was torn on this book. I liked it. I liked Minnie for the most part and I liked Robert for the most part. Their relationship was cute, but there were times were I felt the chemistry was missing between them. But just as I was thinking that, there would be a new scene that proved me wrong. It felt a little up and down. Also, I didn't enjoy the "big" secrets between them. It felt weird that pretty early on that Robert trusted Minnie enough to share his, but she was still holding back and didn't share everything. It also seemed a little extreme, but I know that mob mentality and people were weird back then. It just seemed harsher than it needed to be. I have to give it to Courtney though, Minnie's backstory was unique and unexpected. I also really enjoyed her writing style. It swept me up pretty quickly.

I think it's a 4-star because while I like our main couple, it felt lacking sometimes. Or there was a weird understanding between them that wasn't addressed as quickly as I wanted (although the third act conflict was wrapped up pretty decently). The other part of this, is probably an unpopular opinion. Minnie and Robert fight the patriarchy pretty heavily throughout the book. I understand that most romances, especially the more modern historicals do provide commentary on the patriarchy. However, I don't like it to be as prominent in the story. I think this is why I'm not as fond with the regency era historicals that deal with couples in different classes and/or focused on the lower class. I just prefer it to not be so heavy handed. Reading for me is an escape from all the stuff we deal with on a day to day basis. Side note: that's also why I don't watch documentaries very often unless it's someone or something I'm very interested in.

Back to happier musings! Overall I did enjoy this book and will continue with the series at some point. Plus I think the covers are gorgeous. I'm super excited to get to Sebastian and Violet's book (#3). They had such great banter throughout this book and such an interesting dynamic. 

Have you read The Duchess War?

Bookishly Yours, 


STATISTICS: The Duchess War, Courtney Milan, 4-stars, 1 day, eBook, 268 pages, published 2012

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Eidolon by Grace Draven



Oh this book! It tore me apart and put me back together again. Before I get too carried away, I'll do my introduction blurb. So book number 2 in Grace Draven's Wraith Kings series is Eidolon. This book continues with the focus on Brishen and Ildiko and the galla that were called into the world by his horrible mother. 

This book jumps around just a little between different groups of people. So the prologue takes place almost immediately after the epilogue in Radiance, just focused on the newest infant to Brishen's older brother and her nursemaid. There is cute banter between the nursemaid Kirgipa and the palace guard Necos. Then the galla attack and another palace guard comes in and all three are able to escape. It's a terrifying chapter and I could feel my adrenaline surge a little reading their escape. Chapter 1 jumps back to Brishen and Ildiko at home. I'm not sure if it jumps back in time a little bit, but if so it's not much. Soon the news reaches them and things start escalating. They start accepting refugees and everyone trying to escape the galla.

Despite how firm Ildiko and Brishen felt in their relationship at the end of Radiance and the beginning here, they do go through some hardships. It's believed that the rest of the royal family has passed and Brishen is now King of the Kai. He steps up and plans to keep Ildiko as Queen, however being that they're different races, children is not an option. Despite their love for each, a king needs heirs. Thankfully, as the reader, we can see updates on the young infant's progress in getting to Brishen and Ildiko and that the true ruler is still alive. However, this throws Brishen and Ildiko through the ringer as Ildiko's practical nature comes forth and knows, before it's even mentioned, that he'll need to renounce her and pick a Kai wife. She doesn't want it and will do anything to still stay with Brishen, even as a mistress, but duty keeps her firm that their relationship now has an end date. Brishen, obviously, does not like this and there is a lot of strife, misunderstandings and distance created between the two.

I was tearing up a lot throughout most of this book with both of their hearts breaking. I did love that they came to terms with everything before Brishen and the other 4 warriors and monk became wraith kings. Their love and intimate moments became less desperate. They also came to an agreement of sorts that after doing what Brishen would need to to save the Kai, he deserves whatever wife he wants. The battle of the wraith kings and the galla was so well written without taking up too much of the story and being unnecessarily drawn out. I was very excited to see Andras show up last minute, but it was weird seeing him act so different to how he was in Night Tide. 

The galla were defeated and pushed back through the portal. Brishen was able to close the portal, yet the monk was pulled in by the galla. I'm intrigued that his body is still alive, but soul is trapped in this other dimension and can't wait to see how Grace Draven moves the plot forward. The next full book is The Ippos King and is focused on Lord Pangion and Brishen's cousin Anhuset. I'm super excited to see their romance finally and hope it's similar to Radiance in that the romance is the focal point. I'm super excited to see the other wraith kings find their HEAs as well and how the world recovers. I'm not sure if there's going to be another "big bad," but I'm glad that the galla were defeated. 

I'm so happy that FaRoFeb brought cause for me start this series above others on my tbr and am completely obsessed with Grace Draven's writing. It's so eloquent and completely sucks me in. I will definitely be adding whatever books from her backlist that aren't already on my tbr to it. Plus I definitely want hard copies of these books because the covers are so gorgeous. I won't jump right into the next novella in the series since I've got the Lunar New Year Readathon first over Valentine's weekend, but I'll be jumping back into it just as soon as I can!

Have you read Eidolon yet?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Eidolon, Grace Draven, 5-stars, 1 day, eBook, 328 pages, published 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Lover of Thorns and Holy Gods by Grace Draven


The next book in Grace Draven's Wraith Kings series is Lover of Thorns and Holy Gods. This is a collection of three short stories. The first two are from her Master of Crows series (that is set in the same world). I did read all three, but for this review I'll focus on the third story, A Matter of Trust

This was such a steamy and sweet short story centered around an evening out for Ildiko and Brishen. It starts out with our lovely couple having dinner at his neighbor Lord Pangion's. Ildiko is with some of the court ladies and they are discussing the finer details of coupling with Lord Pangion and is reputation as the Beladine Stallion. The women quickly turn their sights on Ildiko and want more information about her couplings with Brishen, being he's Kai and not human. I am very much along the same lines as Ildiko, where I don't like to share and discuss private/personal things like that, especially with virtual strangers.

They do bring up oral, and since Kai have sharp fangs as teeth, Ildiko thinks about trying to pleasure Brishen and if he'd be trustful of her mouth "down there." Since Kai have fangs, she's pretty confident that that specific intimacy isn't one that Kai men would receive or even know about. Like I mentioned before, this was very steamy and I really enjoyed the way that Grace Draven writes intimacy and the feelings and other aspects that play into such a scene. It was nice to also get a moment of peace between them, especially knowing what is coming for Eidolon after the epilogue of Radiance. So excited to continue the series for FaRoFeb!

Have you read Lover of Thorns and Holy Gods?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Lover of Thorns and Holy Gods, Grace Draven, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 39 pages, published 2016

Monday, February 15, 2021

Lunar New Year Readathon Wrap-Up

 Happy (late) Lunar New Year! 

I hope you had fun this past weekend celebrating both the Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day! Here in northern Colorado we had a crazy cold snap and the weather was consistently negative degrees and never really got above 5 degrees. That's cold for us. Thankfully, I didn't have any plans anyway, so I focused on reading and cleaning house over the weekend! Plus the Colorado Avalanche came back from their enforced quarantine for covid protocol.

So, despite my lengthy plans and tbr, I ended up only reading 4 books for the readathon and then started a random historical for a book club later this week (Love Only Once by Johanna Lindsey for the Historical Hellions Book Club). Below is my finished prompt list. I am a little backed up on reviews now, but hopefully by the end of this week I'll be able to get most of them posted. I have updated with links to all of the reviews!

Here are the books I read (in order read) with ratings. As my reviews go live I'll update with links to the reviews! 

1. The Duchess War by Courtney Milan - 🍎🍎🍎🍎 - Prompts met: New to You Author, Recommended to You & Red on the Cover

2. Steele Your Soul by Decadent Kane - 🍎🍎 - Prompts met: New to You Author

3. A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year by Jackie Lau - 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - Prompts Met: Release from 2019-2021, Recommended to You & Red on the Cover

4. A Big Surprise for Valentine's Day by Jackie Lau - 🍎🍎🍎🍎 - Prompts Met: Release from 2019-2021, Recommended to You & Red on the Cover

So, I only read 4 books and ended up with 1x 5-star, 2x 4-stars and 1x 2-star. Thankfully after getting through Steele I went straight into Jackie Lau. It's a good thing too because it helped keep me from getting into a book slump. I'll go into more depth in my reviews for those two, but I love Jackie Lau. Her books always hit that sweet spot for me where it's funny, steamy and so swoony. She is one of my favorite contemporary authors. I definitely could've read more of her, but I was wasting time trying to figure out what to read next. I was so torn on trying to find something that I was in the mood for that would also work for FaRoFeb, but nothing was sounding good. I probably spent a good 35 minutes on Saturday afternoon just going through various books on my list, kindle and goodreads just trying to figure out what I wanted to read next.

Still, I'm still pretty happy to get through 5 books this weekend; 4 being for the readathon. It seems low, but considering I started Friday night when I got home for work, not too shabby. Overall it was a nice change of pace and I'm always happy to read more historicals and Jackie Lau, but I'm definitely read to get back to Grace Draven's Wraith Kings and more fantasy romance this week.

Did you participate in the Lunar New Year Readathon this past weekend? If so, how did it go?

Bookishly Yours,


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Night Tide by Grace Draven



After getting caught up with Milla Vane's A Gathering of Dragons series, I immediately jumped back into Grace Draven's Wraith Kings. The next book in the series is the novella Night Tide. So excited to continue this series for FaRoFeb!

So knowing that book two still focuses on Brishen and Ildiko, I was surprised to meet a new heroine and hero. Zigana is the bastard daughter of the local nobleman, but lives with her birth mother and father (in all aspects) in a costal city as a trawler. She has a wonderful horse Gitta (that seems sort of magical and/or special). He half sister returns with her husband and reunites with Ziga. She learns of her daughter and finally meets her husband, Andras. They have been banished from the city due to Andras' father starting a rebellion. Andras smartly did not join, so they have been banished.

At the same time there is some creepy skeletal monster thing using a melancholic siren type of call to bring villagers to the water to die. Ziga and Gitta end up meeting Andras on the beach when her father is threatened and destroy the creature. There seems to be a spark between Ziga and Andras. I'm super intrigued to see how this story will fit in as we move along. Being as the name of the series is Wraith Kings, we still have yet to learn what exactly a Wraith King is and who they are. I'm hoping that Andras is one. At the end of the novella there's a note from the author that they'll be back in book 5, but only the first three books are out. I feel like the story felt resolved, but it definitely left me wanting more in a good way. I can't wait to get to the next little novella and then start Eidolon!

Have you read Night Tide?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Night Tide, Grace Draven, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 72 pages, published 2018

Saturday, February 13, 2021

A Touch of Stone and Snow by Milla Vane



After reading The Beast of Blackmoor, I immediately jumped into A Touch of Stone and Snow by Milla Vane. This is the second book in her series A Gathering of Dragons. Now, as mentioned before I planned to read this over the weekend since I had more reading time and I like to read these a little slower. I just don't want to miss any little detail and allow myself to get really immersed in her writing and world. However, I wasn't thinking and this took me longer to read since I wasn't able to read at all Sunday with preparations for our little party and my normal Sunday chores.

I don't know why I waited so long to get to these after reading A Heart of Blood and Ashes last year. I loved getting into this world even more and loved that the stories of the gods and world building is just continuing to expand. One of the things I love about Milla Vane's writing is that she doesn't make the world building or fantasy elements seems overwhelming. 

This book focuses on Lizzan and Aerix from the island Koth. Were moving north in the world and see them connect with the alliance party that was formed at the end of book 1. (Fun Fact: Milla's website has maps of the land!) Lizzan is a soldier that was wrongly exiled from Koth kind of by Aerix, the remaining prince (and bastard of the current king's brother). This is a second chance romance, which I'm not usually that fond of. I did love that Lizzan and Aerix couldn't stay away from each other. I also liked that it didn't take very long for Aerix and Lizzan to dicuss the circumstances of her exile and why Aerix didn't do more to stop it or go with her. I was kept guessing on what was actually going on with the plot. Plus we got a couple more of the Destroyer's seeds taken care of!

 It was absolutely perfect that I read the novella The Beast of Blackmoor before this book because there are a lot of references to the people and what happened. We also get a fun cameo from Shim, Mala's horse companion! What's fun is we also meet Mala's sister Laina as she starts her quest from Vala (and is the heroine of book 3). I also love the way that A Dance of Smoke and Steel is setting up and can't wait for it to come out later this year!

Another fun fact, Milla Vane was on the Wicked Wallflower's podcast and talked about her plans for this series. She wants to do 6 books, but in 2 trilogies so if she ends up stopping at 3, there's still some resolution. She also has mentioned on a blog post in late 2020 that the book will be twice as long. I can't wait! Like mentioned in my review of The Beast of Blackmoor, I've had it on preorder since it was able to be!

Have you read A Touch of Stone and Snow?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: A Touch of Stone and Snow, Milla Vane, 5-stars, 2 days, paperback, 398 pages, published 2020

Friday, February 12, 2021

The Beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane


After reading Radiance, I was fully into Fantasy Romance for FaRoFeb. I was debating to getting back into Milla Vane's A Gathering of Dragons series or continuing on with Grace Draven. Since it was Saturday, I figured I'd go with Milla Vane so I would have more time to devote to it in one sitting. Things didn't go as planned, but I'll talk about that more in my review of A Touch of Stone and Snow. Before jumping into book 2, I decided to read the novella as a primer to get me back into the world. The Beast of Blackmoor was originally published in the anthology Night Shift, which I already had! It's also sold separately now as an ebook (with the matching cover to the series above). Can I just say though, Milla Vane, if you're reading this, please release a physical copy of this book! I would love to have the paperback copy of this cover to put with the others!

This novella focuses on The Beast of Blackmoor, Kavik and Mala. Despite being a novella, I didn't feel like anything was rushed or cut short. It was masterfully written and paced. While I would love for it to be longer, that's just because I love this world that Milla Vane's created. Mala is such a strong female and strong in the physical sense. In the first book, Yvenne is strong, but more in a mental and willpower way, so this change in our Heroine was a nice surprise. She is tasked by the goddess Vela to tame the beast of Blackmoor. What she doesn't know until after meeting Kavik, is that he is the beast. Kavik has been dreaming of Mala and knew that she was his one and only, but to find her finally coming for him and as the "woman in red" from his prophesized "end" just throws him for a loop. I loved the way that he kept trying to push her away, but at the same time he wanted to never let her go. Plus we got the fun battles and fight scenes that are so beautifully written and add more to the world. I also didn't catch on until closer to the end that Kavik was the rightful king. I do have to put a warning out there, these books are dark and gorey. I feel like in the past these wouldn't have been quite as well received by romance readers as a whole, but with Game of Thrones getting so mainstream people are a little more desensitized to this kind of violence. Me personally, I love that she goes there, but doesn't do it in a way that feels overly harmful or too much (red wedding anyone?).

I loved this novella and it was the perfect way to get back into Milla Vane's series. I immediately jumped into A Touch of Stone and Snow and can't wait for the third book A Dance of Smoke and Steel to come out later this year! I may have had it on preorder as soon as it was available to do so.

Have you read The Beast of Blackmoor?

Bookishly Yours, 


STATISTICS: The Beast of Blackmoor, Milla Vane, 5-stars, 0 days, paperback, 162 pages, Published 2014

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lunar New Year Readathon

Wrap Up is posted!

 Happy Lunar New Year!

I don't personally celebrate Lunar New Year but have participated in celebrations in the past, both in college and when I was studying abroad in Japan. To celebrate diversity in Romancelandia, LaceyBookLovers and remarkablylisa are hosting the short readathon. It runs from February 12th through February 14th. Since it's shorter, they have shared the prompts below instead of a bingo board.

This fits in perfectly with my current reading plans, so I'm super excited to get some more Asian diversity in my reading! For the Seasonally Booked Up - Winter of the Wallflower club (hosted by Kelly and Dana), this week's book is Courtney Milan's The Duchess War. I'll be starting this on Friday (instead of earlier) since Courtney is Asian! I've been really wanting to get into her books and this is doubly the perfect chance! 

To stick with my FaRoFeb reading (before I sink back into historical romance at the end of the month for my other clubs), I've gone through some of my fantasy romances and specifically curated a list for my weekend reads. I have a pretty big list of options (maybe too many), but since I'm a mood reader I'd figure I'd get a bigger list than waste time trying to figure out what to read next. 

I'll just give a few of the items from my list that I'm thinking of reading!
πŸ“š Joan Swan's Phoenix Rising series
πŸ“š Allyson James - Black Dragon (Book 2 from Dragon series)
πŸ“š Ruby Dixon - Barbarian's Rescue (Book 14 from Ice Planet Barbarians)
πŸ“š Michelle M Pillow - Zhang Dynasty (Part of the Qurilixen World)
πŸ“š Alexandra Ivy's Dragons of Eternity Series
πŸ“š Marjorie M Liu's Dirk & Steele Series
πŸ“š Jade Lee's Romantic Fantasies Series
πŸ“š Meljean Brook - The Iron Duke (Book 1 from The Iron Seas)

Hopefully that also gives you some great options if you're joining in the readathon and/or FaRoFeb! Also, I'd like to get to the holiday novellas by Jackie Lau (one of my favorite authors). She has one each for Lunar New Year AND Valentine's Day (books 3 and 4 of her Holidays with the Wongs series).

Are you participating in the Lunar New Year Readathon? If so, use #lnyreadathon on all the socials!

Bookishly Yours, 


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Radiance by Grace Draven



My third book for FaRoFeb was Radiance by Grace Draven! This is the first book in her Wraith Kings series. I have heard great things about Grace, specifically this and her Master of Crows series. I was very excited to try her for the first time and absolutely adore the cover.

I LOVED this book. 5-billion stars. This is kind of a friends to lovers trope despite Brishen and Ildiko being married in the first chapter. There are so many things that made this book for me. I guess I'll just start going down the list. Brishen is such a great hero. He's part cinnamon roll and part bad-ass. I love it when characters are strong AND nice. I also loved that even though they thought each other's race was hideous, he was constantly kissing her palm and knuckles and always found ways to touch Ildiko in little ways. Being that's a love language of mine, I was all in. It also helped build the tension between the two in a subtle way. 

I loved how Ildiko stood up to Brishen's mother and father and didn't falter despite how terrified she was on the inside. She saw Brishen as himself and I loved how attracted to his personality she was from the get go. The world building was also done subtlety and didn't feel at all like an info dump. It's always helpful when one of the main characters is learning this new world/magic system/etc along with the reader. It just feels so much more natural. I also loved the way their relationship moved from being friends to a couple in love and lovers in all sense of the word. When Brishen was kidnapped and tortured at the end, I love that Ildiko still stayed strong and was there for him despite the injuries he suffered. I'm so excited to get to book two after the craziness in the epilogue. I was surprised to see that we still have Brishen and Ildiko as the main couple in Eidolon, but it looks like we'll change couples from there.

Have you read Radiance?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Radiance, Grave Draven, 5-stars, 1 day, eBook, 297 pages, Published 2015

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Fae King by Milly Taiden


With some time to spare before I needed to start some book club books, I jumped whole-heartedly into FaRoFeb! The first full fantasy romance I read was Fae King by Milly Taiden. This is the first in her Crystal Kingdom series.

I have read Milly Taiden before and enjoyed her writing. This felt like a shorter read (despite still being over 300 pages). I'm torn on this book. I like it, but there were times that our heroine Kaia frustrated me. Sometimes she spoke too much in colloquialisms and modern metaphors. I feel like we do speak differently and there are a lot of things that people speaking "English" in other dimensions wouldn't understand or take differently, however sometimes it seemed too much. For example, she was complaining about the horse she was riding and how it wasn't a car. When asked what a car was, she just waved Jerrek off and changed the conversation. Why complain to him about it not being a car if you aren't going to explain what it is? I don't know. And there were mentions that she read shifter romances so she could help Jerrek with his "curse." 

I though Jerrek was fine as a fae/shifter hero. I think I just wanted more from all aspects of the book. Everything felt unfinished. I know that this is a series, but being that we're jumping to a new couple, I wanted more development between Jerrek and Kaia. Sometimes it felt like a slow burn and other times like fated mates. I wish that one trope was just followed through on. The same with the world building. It started in depth, but then just stopped. If this was longer and all the concepts focused and explored I feel like this would've been a lot better. I will probably pick up the next 2 just to finish the original three, but it's not at the top of my list.

Have you read Fae King?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Fae King, Milly Taiden, 3-stars, 1 day, eBook, 314 pages, Published 2019

Monday, February 8, 2021

His Mistress by Morning by Elizabeth Boyle



Elizabeth Boyle's His Mistress by Morning is the first book in her Marlowe series. This is the 5th book in the Winter of the Wallflower read-a-long hosted by Kelly and Dana for their Seasonally Booked Up club. 

Oh this book. I struggled through most of this book. The blurb grabbed me and I waited until after February 1st to start this since it had fantasy elements (and I can use it for FaRoFeb). The basis of this book is that Charlotte is a painfully shy spinster in love with her best friend's older brother Sebastian. He doesn't even notice when she's in the room a lot and can't quite seem to remember her name. She gets a ring as inheritance from her aunt, and surprise! it grants one wish. She wishes to be the woman that Sebastian loves. 

At 41% I really wanted to DNF this book, but I pushed myself to continue (granted I started skimming and speed reading) both because it's for the club, and I loved the first little portion before the wish. I did not like anything about the "alternate reality" and had a lot of issues of how things were going to reconcile when she came back to "reality." First off, at 41% I was ready for the wish to be over and get back to normal to see how Charlotte would deal with everything she learned. Instead, we didn't get back to the normal timeline until about the 70% mark. The alternate reality portion lasted way too long for my taste. I wish that more time was spent on them becoming a couple in the real world. 

So, in this alternate reality Charlotte is not a spinster lower noblewoman, but a courtesan/mistress. When she wakes up in this new reality, she has no memories of what this other "Lottie" has gone through and experienced. I did not like this choice at all by the author. I feel like Charlotte should've had more access to her memories and that she didn't wake up the arms of Sebastian. She went from being a sheltered spinster to waking up in the arms of a man (after clearly having a very lascivious night). I also didn't like that (and I know this was not the intention and not meant at all to come across this way) she basically became a different person to get the person she loved to love her back. I understand that the point was for Charlotte to find herself and become more confident, but it felt too drastic a change. I also feel like it also felt more out of character for her when she ended the wish and starting coming on strong to Sebastian. 

Why the 3-stars instead of the two I was expecting throughout most of this book? Basically it comes down to the parts outside of the alternate reality and Elizabeth Boyle's writing. She writes really well and I enjoyed her prose. I really, really wanted there to be more of the "he finally sees her" feeling without Charlotte having to act completely wanton and out of character. As I said before, it felt like too much of a drastic change. I think if she had more internal insecurities that we the reader saw, it would've felt more natural and not as "she's magically cured of her shyness." What I wanted out of this book, especially going with the wallflower trope, was not what I got. Now I want to (re)read a historical that give me an HEA and a journey I ca

 I most likely will not read the second book in the series, and might pick up some of her other series. I think before I do though I'll check out some reviews before.

Have you read His Mistress by Morning?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: His Mistress by Morning, Elizabeth Boyle, 3-stars, 2 days, eBook, 384 pages, Published 2006

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo by Kerrigan Byrne


 The 6th book in the Victorian Rebels read-a-long is The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo by Kerrigan Byrne. As mentioned before, The Romance Book Squad is hosting this read-a-long and is comprised of AleciaNatashaKrystal and Kerry.

I was very excited to read The Rook's book and though it was good, just not as good as the previous few books. I didn't see it coming before this, but a little bit in I did get the hints that the Rook is actually the true Dorian (that's believed to been dead since book 1). I liked Lorelai too, especially her propensity to heal and take care of the wounded creatures she came across, including Rook.

One thing about this that I really enjoyed was how much little angst was sprouted from their separation 20 years prior. I was almost expecting it to be a huge issue and cause undue miscommunication. While it did take a bit for them to get to that conversation, once it was had they didn't dwell on it and moved on. I can't quite say why this book didn't quite hit 5-stars for me. I just felt like something was missing. I still really enjoyed this book. I also liked that we got a little bit of light on Inspector Morley's connection to our band of criminals and his background. His book is next. The epilogue (and throughout the book) also eludes to a romance between Sebastian and Victoria. It has been announced that book 8 will be his, so that's exciting. No release date yet though or confirmation that Victoria is his pair. Although there is a novella before his as well.

Have you read The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo, Kerrigan Byrne, 4-stars, 1 day, eBook, 333 pages, Published 2018

Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Scot Beds His Wife by Kerrigan Byrne



Book 5 in the Victorian Rebels series is The Scot Beds His Wife by Kerrigan Byrne. As I'm sure you know if you've read my other reviews of this series, I am reading these as a read-a-long by Romance Book Squad hosted by AleciaNatashaKrystal and Kerry

After immensely enjoying The Highlander, I was very excited to get back to Scotland and get the HEA for his brother Gavin. This book starts out on a train robbery in America and doesn't let up from there. I love tropes like this where it's secret identity and they try to stay away from each other, but just can't help being drawn together. I loved Sam (masquerading as Alison) and thoroughly enjoyed her schooling all the highlanders she was surrounded by what's actually need to run a successful cattle business. She was also a great sharpshooter and loved that her pistols were Antony and Julius. Gavin was the charming Scot as expected and hiding a heart of gold. I loved that Sam realized almost instantly that his issue wasn't that he didn't feel, but felt too deeply. 

The villain felt so appropriate and not too much. I did wish that even though there was the big secret that she wasn't actually Alison, that he still didn't force her to leave without listening to her. I did understand it though and found myself tearing up when she was on the train to the Netherlands. It just broke my heart that she finally found a place she felt she belonged and a home, but was sent away from it. Overall I loved this book so much, and loved the sneaky plotlines about the infamous pirate Rook. His book is next and I can't wait to start it! I'm a little ahead with the read-a-long, but I figured I'd try to finish them before I got too sucked into fantasy romance for FaRoFeb.

Have you read The Scot Beds His Wife?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: The Scot Beds His Wife, Kerrigan Byrne, 5-stars, 1 day, eBook, 394 pages, Published 2017

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Duke by Kerrigan Byrne



After finishing The Highlander, I couldn't help but jump right into The Duke by Kerrigan Byrne. I am reading her Victorian Rebels series as a read-a-long with the Romance Book Squad, hosted by  AleciaNatashaKrystal and Kerry

Another 5-stars! After absolutely loving The Highlander, I couldn't help but immediately jump into The Duke. Book 4 centers around Cole, the not-so-secret spy and Duke of Trenwyth and his former lover and nurse Imogen. Going into this book Cole was teased a little, but the reader still didn't know too much about him. When on Goodreads to mark it as "currently reading," I did glance at the reviews. I just skimmed the first couple that were featured, at I was nervous going into this book due to the reviews mentioning horrible things he said to Imogen. I was expecting bad (because this is Kerrigan Byrne and she's not afraid to go dark), but it didn't really seem that bad to me. There's only one part really where he seemed abnormally mean, but at the same time he was also coming out of septicemia and surgery to help his wrist where he lost his left hand. Plus, he was at the point in his recovery from being a pow and tortured, that he almost wished he wasn't alive, and so took it out on the nurse that diagnosed him correctly and saved his life.

He was also snarky with her at the charity dinner, but so were other members of the high nobility that were there so it didn't seem that bad to me. Just stereotypical duke haughtiness. Anyways, I loved this book. Read it in one sitting and really enjoyed how it played on my emotions when he just didn't recognize her! The only thing I could've done without, was the dead kitten. Just, no. Also, I was surprised with whom the villain ended up being. After finishing The Duke and seeing we were headed back to Scotland for The Scot Beds His Wife, I immediately jumped in. I have to say, I now understand the hype around this series. I just wish it would've been a little more hyped that it's the later books that really up the ante. Or maybe it's just me that loves these later books. *shrugs*

Have you read The Duke?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: The Duke, Kerrigan Byrne, 5-stars, 0 days, eBook, 377 pages, Published 2017

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Highlander by Kerrigan Byrne



The next book for the Romance Book Squad's Victorian Rebels read-a-long is The Highlander by Kerrigan Byrne. This is book 3 in series, and we finally have a winner. Before we get into my review, the Romance Book Squad is hosted by AleciaNatashaKrystal and Kerry

This is what I was waiting for from Kerrigan Byrne. I absolutely adored this book and Mena and Liam. I was excited going into this book, even more since I've been in a highlander mood lately (Thank you Donna Fletcher). Liam is known as the Demon Highlander (from his efforts in the war) and Philomena is his new governess for his two teenagers. First off, this book starts dark (like most of the series so far), but this one really got to me more than the others. Philomena has been declared insane by her horrible, horrible husband and mother-in-law and is going through atrocities in an asylum. Thankfully she gets saved by our heroes from the first two books, but not without severe emotional damage being done. 

Philomena was such a strong character, but still managed to stay nice and have a fairly positive view of her life and the world despite the horrors she's been through. The meet-cute for them was so divine, I was grinning my ears off just knowing what was to come. Also, I love all of Liam's brogue throughout the book and he's just so swoony. If I make a book boyfriend list at the end of the year, Liam will definitely be on it. I really enjoyed the evolution of their relationship and how Mena was able to help repair the relationship Liam had with his kids and estranged brothers. I'm loving this rag-tag group of bad boys and their wives that's being built. I did see Liam's villain coming (it was pretty obvious to me who the creeper was), but am very happy to finally be on the 5-star Kerrigan Byrne train. I read this so quickly and immediately went into her next book, The Duke.

Have you read The Highlander?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: The Highlander, Kerrigan Byrne, 5-stars, 0 days, eBook, 358 pages, Published 2016

How I Rate Books

Before I get into posting my reviews, I wanted to do a guideline for how I rate things. There are a lot of people that critically review and...