Saturday, January 8, 2022

Mister Hockey by Lia Riley


Struggling with my book hangover from The Front Runner, I wanted something cozy that I knew I would love. I have been meaning to reread Mister Hockey by Lia Riley since the summer and knew now was the time to pick it up. This is the first book in her Hellions Angels series. This is the 5th time I've read this book. I was able to use it for Winter's Kiss covering the prompt hockey.

Jed West is the captain of the Denver Hellions and is recovering from a nasty hit during the playoffs. They ended up winning the cup, but he's struggling with what to do next. When he is getting interviewed for a sports podcast by Neve Angel, she gets an emergency call from her sister Breezy. Tor, the Hellions' coach, was supposed to do an event at the library she works at and was delayed by weather. Neve asks Jed to replace him and he agrees. What Jed doesn't know is that Breezy (and the women in her family) are huge Hellions and hockey fans. Jed is her favorite player and she has a lot of his memorabilia. When they meet, Breezy is completely tongue tied, but pulls it together. After a wardrobe malfunction occurs and Jed offers Breezy his jacket to cover up, she freaks out and runs. Jed gets her address so he can get his coat back (his wallet is in it) and ends up staying to help her with her leaking roof. He's very attracted to Breezy and her curves and they can't help but act on the spark between them.

Guys, this was such a comfort read for me. I was so happy to finally get to my reread. There's a lot of things that I can connect to Breezy with. Not only am I a big fan of hockey myself (thanks to my Mom), but there are a lot of family situations that really hit me. While the direct situations that cause strife between Breezy and her Mom aren't the same thing I experienced, the way that Breezy feels are so similar to how I feel with my father. That might be a little too open, but it's hard to constantly feel being compared to siblings and found wanting. I also love that Breezy is a child librarian and all her bookish and nerdy comments are similar to things that I enjoy and collect as well. Even down to the funko pops (although we have different collections).

I also love the way that she discusses her body image. While she is curvier and loves her curves, her insecurities still come out. Especially when she's around her family. There is one thing that I don't like quite as much, and that's that it feels like Breezy grovels more than Jed. While she does have things to make up for, hiding that she's not only a hockey fan, but a Jed stand, but he also hurts her as well. I still love this book and the feeling of acceptance that Breezy finds with herself, her family and with Jed always hits me in the feels. There's just something about finding that person that helps you be a better version of yourself and has your back through thick and thin!

I don't know if I'll continue rereading the series, I usually reread the second book Head Coach as well, just not as much. It's probably my favorite enemies to lovers, which is saying something since it's a trope I usually don't enjoy. If you like hockey romances, definitely check this series out. As I said earlier, it's my favorite hockey series and I love this book the most. There's just so much that I connect with. I haven't read anything else by Lia, but I do have a couple of her other books on my kindle to try. Someday I finally get to them!

Have you read Mister Hockey?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Mister Hockey, Lia Riley, 5-stars, 1 day, Paperback, 222 pages, published in 2017

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