Friday, January 7, 2022

2021 Wrap Up

 And now, the time has come to wrap up the year of 2021. I have mentioned this before, but I have really enjoyed keeping up with my reviews and statistics. This was the first year that I had really pushed myself to do so and can't wait to see how everything turns out. I will keep my stats in a similar order as my monthly wrap ups, but I have a lot more charts from my data that I'm excited for! Since there's a lot to get through, lets get started!


I read 258 books for a total of 73,301 pages

πŸ’— I averaged 1.03 days per book

πŸ’— The average page count per book was 283.02

πŸ’— I read 32 books under 100 pages, 35 in the 100s,  46 in the 200s, 121 in the 300s, 21 in the 400s and 4 in the 500s. I also had 1 book is DNF'd

πŸ’— 130 of the books I read were specifically for clubs and/or readathons

πŸ’— 74 of my books were diverse
πŸ’— I read 85 new authors
πŸ’— I reread 21 books

πŸ’— I owned 54 of the books in paperback and added 147 books to my wish-list (of which a number have already been purchased)

πŸ’— I read 50 books in paperback, 204 in eBook, 4 in audiobook and 1 was a web comic

πŸ’— I read 2 books published in the 1970s, 3 book in the 1980s, 12 books in the 1990s, 28 books in the 2000s, 124 books in the 2010s and 90 books in the 2020s

πŸ’— My average rating was 4.36

🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 119 books
🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 117 books
🍎🍎🍎 - 19 books
🍎🍎 - 3 books
DNF - 1 book

πŸ’— 63 of the books I read were Contemporary, 28 were Dark, 26 were Fantasy, 87 were Historical, 18 were Paranormal, 11 were Sci-Fi and 6 were Sports Romance. I also read 20 Urban Fantasies.

πŸ’— Usually I would list books read next, but instead I'll link to my monthly wrap ups. If you are looking for something specific feel free to use the tag word cloud in the side bar.

πŸ’— For the last bullet point in my wrap ups, I tend to go over my favorites and disappointments. I'm going into 2022 with as much positivity as possible, so I'll leave the out the disappointments for the year. However, next Tuesday I'm going to be doing a special post for my favorites. I've created three brackets for the year, one of contemporary, one for sci-fi/paranormal/fantasy and one for historical romances. I'll be filling out my brackets and struggling to find my favorite books (it's going to be tough). If you are interested in using brackets yourself, I have them linked with previews on my instagram. When my favorites post goes up, there will be links to the brackets.

I am so proud of myself that I stuck with this blog for a full year and have stayed caught up on reviewing every book I've read. I'm really happy to have found a lot of new authors and loved looking at all my stats. It'll be even more interesting when I can compare them to this year's stats and see how my reading tastes evolve! I also had a lot of fun participating in a lot more readathons and enjoyed the challenges I participated in that made me stretch outside my normal reads. I picked up mafia and dark romance for the first time, which is crazy! I also got a lot more into fantasy romance over paranormal and was surprised to see how little I read of one my go-to genres. Or at least it was a go-to.

I hope you had a great reading year as well and are looking forward to what's to come. Most of my wrap up for the year have been posted, but we still have my favorites of 2021. I'm planning on posting it next Wednesday the 12th and will have something a little different! Stay tuned for that!

How was your reading last year?

Bookishly Yours,


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