Friday, January 8, 2021

New Beginnings!

 I'm Back! 

So over the past year and a half, and more heavily recently, I was thinking of starting a mini blog for book reviews. Also, I'm not good at Instagram, youtube, or twitter (major imposter feelings), but I still want to participate in read-a-thons and such and use the gorgeous templates. Hence my thought, MiniBlog! I also think it would be fun to track my book statistics (outside of the goodreads reading challenge) and share them with anyone interested.

So, moving forward I'll be posting any tbrs (to be read), bingo boards, and other fun things here. I will aim for quick/small reviews to help me get things uploaded easier. As well as my statitstics at end of month and end of year.

Another mini-project I'm working on is a Read-a-thon and Book Club Google Calendar that others can sync to their own calendars to help keel track of lives and the various bookish events. I will be keeping it romance booktube and romancelandia related. I'll link that as well as other fun things in the side bar!

I hope you enjoy reading along with me and will join all the great book events going on!

Bookishly Yours,

Stasi 🍎

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