Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn



The first contemporary romance I read this year was Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn. It's a standalone romance. I've mentioned in previous posts that I'm a big fan of the Smart Women Read Romance Podcast. I am a patron and one the perks is an exclusive live review that's voted on. This month Jessen specifically chose contemporary romances, and this one won.

I have heard of Kate Clayborn before, her Chance of a Lifetime series has been on my tbr for a while now. I just don't gravitate to contemporary very often. Love Lettering has also been on my tbr since several booktubers and bookstagrammers were talking about it in early 2020. 

This was such a cute read. I loved the way Kate writes and really enjoyed the way that our main Heroine Meg though, especially about letters. I loved her and Reid's relationship, however I did wish we got some chapters in Reid's perspective. I guess then we might not have gotten the "big event" at the end, but it wouldn't been nice to see how into Meg he was before the love letter at the end. And the "big event" felt a little unnecessary. Like, I understand why it was important for Reid's character, but I felt like there could've been a better third act conflict that didn't put them through the ringer as much. it wasn't the whistleblowing as much as all the media attention and defamation that happened to both of them that turned me off. It would've been nice to see more of the hea outside of the epilogue. Although it also gave us the love letter. Overall it was still cute and I really  enjoyed it. I definitely will be moving the Chance of a Lifetime series up on my contemporary tbr.

Have you read Love Lettering?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: Love Lettering, Kate Clayborn, 4-stars, 1 day, eBook, 307 pages, Published 2019

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