The 8th book in Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane series is Dearest Rogue. I've been waiting for this book since being introduced to Phoebe in Notorious Pleasures. If you've read my previous reviews you probably already know this, but if this is my first post you're reading, I've been bingeing the Maiden Lane series lately. A lot of booktube and bookstagrammer personalities have recently read this series. In late April Jenn from The Book Refuge announced that she was going to do a live show on May 8th discussing the series. It had been on my tbr for a while, so I figured I'd get through as many as I could before the live. Since this is actually scheduled to be posted after, the link above is to the show! Update: I have applied this book to the Romancing Summer Challenge for the plus size prompt.
As I mentioned above, this book focuses on Lady Phoebe, the younger sister of the Duke of Wakefield and Lady Hero. We'd been introduced to our Hero previously, Captain James Trevillion. He used to captain the dragoon company that was patrolling in St. Giles. Since his injury, James has been too injured to continue service and Wakefield has hired him to be a guard/escort for Phoebe. We've seen her losing her sight throughout the series, but she's pretty much blind at this point. One day while shopping on Bond Street there is a kidnapping attempt on Phoebe. During the second attempt, James gets upset with himself and his disability and resigns as her guard. Phoebe ends up getting kidnapped after he leaves, but he rescues her and whisks her off to a safe space that nobody knows about.
I really loved how drawn together Phoebe and James were, but that it was Phoebe to make the first move. Yes there is a class/station difference (which I'm normally not a fan of), and yes James thinks he's not good enough for Phoebe (which can be angsty), but I really loved the quiet moments between them. When they are running from the first kidnapping attempt, they have a quiet moment on the horse being in such close contact in a different way. I love the moments when James almost wraps himself around Phoebe, a lot of the time when dealing with horses. I also really liked the way that being around horses was another way for them to connect. Another reason this was a slam dunk for me is there wasn't much secondary plot. There's her whole kidnapping issues, but it's minor and in the background. I much prefer that, as I'm sure you could tell from my previous reviews of this series.
It did take me a little longer than normal to get through this, even with how much I loved it. Mostly it's because I read it during the week and I've been absolutely exhausted after work lately. It's just that time of year. Fun story, I finished this book about 7pm after work. I was planning on immediately starting the next, however I woke up at 1am with everything still on and my tv still playing the classical station (I listen to that while I read). Apparently my body just wanted to sleep. I am super excited to read the next book, especially after getting introduced to Eve in this one. One thing Elizabeth Hoyt does really well is her epilogues. It's a great hook to keep you wanting to move forward in her series. I'm so glad they are all out now and I don't have to wait months, if not years for the next book after that teaser!
Have you read Dearest Rogue?
Bookishly Yours,
STATISTICS: Dearest Rogue, Elizabeth Rogue, 5-stars, eBook, 2 days, 326 pages, published in 2015
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