Friday, June 3, 2022

All Geek To Me by Allie York


My mood reading binge continues with All Geek To Me by Allie York. This is the first book in her Words for Nerds series. I picked this up to cover the prompt published in 2020 for the first board of Love Has Sprung. For the Taylor Swift Quarterly Challenge I used it to cover the prompt Getaway Car (has a vehicle in the story).

Noralee is the owner of Word for Nerds, a comic and gaming shop. When her neighbor gets robbed, she meets local police officer, and single father, Wyatt. Nora is very clutzy and accidentally "assaults" him with the front door the first time they meet. Despite her constantly have issues with gravity, Wyatt is drawn to her. As they find themselves connecting quickly and sneaking away for little dates, their relationship takes a more serious turn. Nora's three friends and business partners help push her to open up to Wyatt and give in to her feelings.

Oh my gosh. Guys, OH MY GOSH! Be still my beating, nerdy heart. This book was more than I expected and I absolutely loved the geeky/nerdiness. I loved that Nora and her friends aren't just in one fandom, but all things nerdy and geeky from video games to fantasy books to tv shows and movies. I loved that I could see myself going to their store and participating in their different gaming activities. Heck, they even host knitting night for a local group! I want to be their friend and live in this world. It just hit all of the right nerdy notes and you can tell that if Allie isn't apart of the club, she knows someone who is. It just felt so real and I loved that while all of the girls are into the same fandoms, they all are also into it in different ways.

As for the romance, I really loved the way that Nora and Wyatt just clicked. He's not really that nerdy, but is a normal person that enjoys the Marvel movies and Batman and things like that. He's learning though because his 4-year son is really into the superheroes. I loved the way that all three of them interacted. The 3rd act conflict wasn't what I was expecting, and my heart hurt for Nora. She really didn't explain herself properly and things came out in the most absolutely horrible way. Then she was so flustered she couldn't re-explain in the moment, not that Wyatt would've been listening. While this was a little insta-lovey, it didn't bother me at all and just felt almost like a fated/soul-mates situation.

If you are a nerd (or geek) like me, definitely check this series out. It's so much fun and really gave me all the nerdiness I've expected and needed. Sometimes when there's a nerdy character it feels a little superficial or as a character quirk, but it just felt so real here and I could see myself hanging out at Second Breakfast (their in house coffee stand) all the time. I will definitely be reading the rest of the series and certainly want to check out other works that Allie has done. Another new favorite author!

Have you read All Geek To Me?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: All Geek To Me, Allie York, 5-stars, 1 day, eBook, 203 pages, published in 2020, indie published

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