Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Love in the Night Wrap Up

 Happy June!

The last week of May was the Love in the Night readathon hosted by Shae, Crystal, Izzy, Laura, Temecka and Stef. I was even more excited since this was also over Memorial Weekend here in the US. That meant that I didn't have to work on Monday and had an extra full day of reading. However, Saturday I was in a "get stuff done" mood and ended up barely reading, just a bit before bed. I cleaned the house and switched out my closet from winter to summer. I also went through my clothes and put together some for donation. This doesn't sound like much, but it took longer than I thought. It felt nice to get things reorganized and cleaned up. I still have more reorganization projects to do, mostly with my various craft stuff. But back to the readathon!

I ended up not finishing my board, but only because I decided I didn't want to use one book for multiple prompts this time. I could've done a blackout if I used multiple prompts. I also mentioned that I might start the readathon early, but ended up starting Monday night after I got home for work. I feel accomplished with my reads, but did try to stick with shorter books during the week when I had less reading time. I also used my spinner wheel a few times and actually followed it for the first time. In the past I've spun but used it as a gauge for my mood to see if I actually wanted to read what was selected. As my previous wrap ups, below is my final bingo board and reads listed in order read. Reviews will be linked as they are posted.

1. The Vampire Who Loved Me by Teresa Medeiros 🍎🍎🍎🍎 - Read a Sequel

2. Deal with the Demon by Chase Verity 🍎🍎🍎 - Read the Group Book

3. A Kiss for Solstice by Elizabeth Allyn-Dean 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - Read a Witch Novel

4. The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - Read a Host Favorite

5. Mating the Huntress by Talia Hibbert 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - Author of Color

6. Falling in Love with the King of Beast by Aimee Lynn - Try a Different Format [Web Novel]

7. Taming the Queen of the Beasts by Aimee Lynn [Web Novel]

8. Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - Read a Demon Novel

9. Peace, Blood, and Understanding by Molly Harper 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎

Now my reads for number 6 and 7 are not going to have reviews at this point. As of now they are at 4-star ratings. They are a new format to me, Web Novels. I have linked to their landing page. I will most likely rate them once they are completed, but there's no telling when that will be.  I did read up to what's published, over 200 chapters for Falling in Love with the King of Beasts and 20+ for Taming the Queen of the Beasts. What is weird though is that Taming the Queen of the Beasts is the sequel but they're being published simultaneously. I'll probably pick that one back up once the first finishes.

I had a lot of great reads throughout the week. My favorite is probably my last read, Peace, Blood, and Understanding. I haven't read Molly Harper in a while and it was so nice to get back to one of my favorite authors. Her humor always hits for me and I always love spending time in the Half-Moon Hallow universe. My least favorite was my lowest rating, Deal with the Demon. I just was disappointed in it after hearing such great things, but you can read more about that in my review.

I'm super happy to finally get back to some paranormal romance and look forward to continuing all of these series. I almost want to start adding at least one paranormal book a month to get going on the longer running series. We'll see how I feel though. One more little bookkeeping thing, there is a live show wrap up hosted on Shae's channel. It'll be this Friday, June 4th, at 7pm mountain time. I'm excited for the live and can't wait to see what everybody read. I'm sure I'll have some new books to add to my ever-expanding tbr!

Did you participate in the Love in the Night Readathon? If so, how did your reading go?

Bookishly Yours,


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