Saturday, May 28, 2022

White Hot by Ilona Andrews


The 2nd book assigned for the month of May for the Hidden Legacy readalong is White Hot. This is the 2nd book in Ilona Andrew's popular series. The readalong is hosted by Heather, Stef, Megan and Izzy. I was also able to use this for the Love Has Sprung and Taylor Swift Quarterly Challenge reading challenges covering the prompts continue a series you forgot about (from board 2) and Death By A Thousand Cuts (over 1,000 ratings) respectively.

Nevada is still hurting over how things were left between her and "Mad" Rogan after Burn for Me. When she is asked by an acquaintance to look into his wife's murder, Nevada reluctantly agrees knowing she'll be wading into the mess of Primes and higher houses. While trying to figure out why the house her client's wife worked for is trying to hide the murder, she runs into "Mad" Rogan again. They once again start working together. When Nevada makes the decision to stop hiding her magic as much, Rogan starts to worry that she'll become Prime and want to distance herself from him and his antics. Nevada, no matter where she ends up as she enters the higher echelons of magic, will stay the same person and not allow Rogan to push her away.

Oh my gosh. Now before starting the readalong, I had only read Burn for Me. All I could think of after finishing White Hot was "What was wrong with my past self?" Why did I not pick up the rest of the series the first time I read it? This book was so good. I loved how we just get an expansion and more information about all of our side characters and their magic, but we also get to see a power-up of sorts for Nevada. It's not that she's getting more magic, but just accessing it properly and learning about how it works. It was crazy to learn that her being able to just tell if people are telling the truth or not was a passive ability. Think of it as a fun bonus to having truthseeking magic. Just so freaking awesome and I love that we're going to get to see her really push what she can do not only here, but in the next book as well.

I also love how Rogan and Nevada were thrown back into it again, but with their previous interactions burned hotter quicker this time and it was worth it! Oh my gosh do I love Rogan and how he really just wants the best for Nevada and her family. We get to learn a lot more about him and how he runs his business and house and get to see how much he really does care about those around him. The action was really well done (once again) and we do get to learn a little bit more about this group behind all of the attacks, but they're mostly still a mystery. I felt we got enough information to not feel like it's being dragged out too much and am still intrigued for more.

I cannot wait to finish the first trilogy of the series and see how Rogan and Nevada wrap up their time as main characters. I am so happy that I am finally picking up the rest of the series. I love Ilona Andrews and the way they can build their worlds and magic systems. They really are becoming one of my favorite author duos. So freaking good. I know I've probably said this in each review, but it stands to be said again. If you haven't read Ilona Andrews, please give their books a try. They are fantastic!

Have you read White Hot?

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: White Hot, Ilona Andrews, 5-stars, 1 day, Paperback, 389 pages, published in 2017, traditionally published

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