Monday, April 18, 2022

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord by Sarah J Maas


I picked up the first prequel novella The Assassin and the Pirate Lord from the Throne of Glass series for the SJM readalong. It's hosted by Jenn (The Book Refuge) and friends. This was apart of the April part one assigned reading for the April 16th live show. Like I mentioned, there are 5 prequel novellas for the series, but Jenn is breaking them up to be read over time instead of in line. We are reading Sarah J Maas's backlist in publication order. I did also use this for the Taylor Swift Quarterly Challenge to cover the prompt I Knew You Were Trouble (a bad-boy character or a character that does a bad thing).

Celaena and fellow assassin Sam are headed to broker a deal between the Pirate Lord and King of the Assassins. When they arrive and find that they aren't there for restitution for the killing of one of their own, but to broker a deal for slaves, Celaena gets angry. She is against the idea of owning people and goes about freeing both shiploads of slaves with the help of Sam.

This was super fun, but a little bittersweet. I loved getting to see the assassin that Celaena used to be, but also learn more about the assassin's guild(?) she was a part of. Now this is bittersweet because we learn in Throne of Glass that Sam passed away and that there were some feelings that had developed between them. I had a lot of fun reading this prequel novella and just getting to see how Celaena was before being sent to the salt mines as a prisoner/slave.

I'm intrigued to see how the other prequel novellas are going to fit into the overall series, but if they are all little previous mission this'll be fun. If you didn't know, all 5 of the novellas are included in the Assassin's Blade anthology. So far so good in the first couple books in the SJM readalong. I can't wait to read more!

Bookishly Yours,


STATISTICS: The Assassin and the Pirate Lord, Sarah J Maas, 4-stars, 0 days, eBook, 70 pages, published in 2012, traditionally published

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